“Hisab Ki Kitaab”

New Delhi , June 3. Union Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs Mr Anurag Singh Thakur launched the six modules of short films of Investor Education & Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) titled Hisaab Ki Kitaab” here today,

Hisaab ki kitab” is a series of 6 short films, developed by CSC eGov as a part of their training tool. There are 6 short films/ modules of 5 minutes duration each. The various modules highlights the importance of budget, saving, importance of Insurance schemes, various social security schemes of the government etc. 

The modules also interestingly portray the consequences of a common man falling prey to the schemes and how they should protect themselves from Ponzi schemes. These short films will be used by IEPFA and its partnering organisation for Investor Awareness Programs across the country. During the launch a trivia of all the 6 modules was showcased.

Launching the short films,  Thakur said that financial inclusion is one of the top-most policy priorities of the Government of India. Financial literacy and education, plays a crucial role in financial inclusion, inclusive growth and sustainable prosperity. In financial inclusion, a number of steps have been taken by the Government.