Massive increase in super specialty facilities in Ajmer Medical College

Jaipur, June 24.On the instructions of Health Minister Dr Raghu Sharma, four new departments of super specialty (oncology, oncology surgery, endocrinology and GI surgery) have been sanctioned in Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer, besides additional posts of specialist doctors have been approved in five other departments.  

Dr Sharma said that with the creation of these additional departments and posts, specialist medical facilities would be available to the residents of the divisional headquarters Ajmer and its surroundings.

He said that the approved additional posts include one post each of professor and assistant professor in Plastic Surgery department, one post each of professor and associate professor in Nephrology department and one post each of professor and associate professor in Neurology department in Ajmer Medical College.

Out of two approved posts each in Urology department and Paediatric Surgery department respectively, one post will be of assistant professor and one post will of associate professor.

The Health Minister said that in the newly approved super specialty departments of oncology, oncology surgery, endocrinology and GI surgery, one post each of professor, assistant professor and associate professor has been approved.

Dr Sharma expressed confidence that the Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Ajmer would now have the facilities of super specialty related to almost all the departments.

Medical Education secretary Shri Vaibhav Galriya on Wednesday issued orders in regard to the creation of new departments and additional posts in the already established departments.