People on taking road accident victim to the hospital will get the reward of Rs 5000

Jaipur, September 18.The Finance Department has set up the process for implementation of ‘Jeevan Rakashak Yojana’ that provides security to the injured and felicitation of the person who takes the person injured seriously in the road accident to the hospital at the earliest with the reward of Rs 5000 and a citation. Principal Secretary Finance Shri Akhil Arora has issued the guidelines in this regard.

Health Minister Dr. Raghu Sharma said that according to the budget announcement, ‘Jeevan Rakshak Yojana’ will be implemented through the Health Department. Dedicated Road Safety Fund will bear the entire budget of the scheme. He said that the person who takes the road accident victim to government and private hospitals in the State on time will be benefitted from this scheme.

Rs 5 crore will be allotted in advance to the Director, Public Health of Health Department from Road Safety Fund for the successful implementation of the scheme. A Samaritan taking the injured person to the hospital on voluntarily giving his identity etc and ready to take the benefit of the scheme will have to give his name, age, gender, mobile number, identity card and bank account number to the medical officer working in the emergency room of the hospital. He directed that the person bringing the road accident victim to the nearest hospital should be treated with respect. Such Samaritans should be allowed to leave the hospital immediately as per their wish.

If the condition of the injured person is serious then the Samaritan helping the victim will be given Rs 5000 and a citation. In case of more than one person, all will be given the citation and reward money will be divided equally. He said that 'seriously injured person' means the injured who needs to be admitted immediately for treatment or to be admitted on referral. Its decision will be taken by the Casualty Medical Officer (CMO)as per his/her discretion.

If the condition of the injured person is not serious, then the person who brought the victim to the hospital will be given the citation. The hospital administration will send the recommendation to the Director, Public Health within three days through e-mail to give the reward and citation to the Samaritan. The director on receiving the recommendation will transfer the reward money to the account of Samaritan within two working days through DBT and citation will be sent on the address of the Samaritan through speed post.