Health Minister launches Deworming programme

Jaipur, October 26.Health Minister Dr. Raghu Sharma launched the state-level programme by administering deworming medicine to children under the National Deworming Programme on Monday. 

Dr. Sharma on the occasion of launching the programme from Government District Hospital in Kekri town said that children aged between 1 and 19 years in the State will be administered deworming tablets albendazole tablets from October 25 to 30. He said that this programme will be carried out in the entire State in the joint auspices of the Health Department and Woman and Child Development Department from Monday till October 30.

The Health Minister said that worm infection in children affects their physical development, haemoglobin level, nutrition level and mental level. These worms are intestinal worms in children, which affect their development in every way. The spread of worms can be stopped by deworming at regular intervals by giving deworming tablets albendazole. 

The Health Minister said that children and adolescents will be administered albendazole tablets at all sub-centres, anganbari centres and urban primary health centres in the State during the National Deworming Programme to keep them free from intestinal worms. ANMs, ASHAs and Anganbari workers will have an important role in this programme.

The Health Minister on this occasion released a poster of the National Deworming Programme. The general public will be made aware about the intestinal worms through the poster issued by the Health Department. Information will be provided on how to prevent intestinal worms. Besides this, people will be called upon to break the lifecycle of the worms by taking albendazole doses at regular intervals.