Chhattisgarh Model of Development proves its credibility again


Raipur, 06 January.Center for Monitoring Indian Economy Organization has recently released the data of unemployment rates in the states of the country, which has once again proven the effectiveness and credibility of the Chhattisgarh Model of Development.

 According to the data released, Chhattisgarh ranks fourth among the states with the lowest unemployment rate in the country. Unemployment rate in Chhattisgarh at present is 2.1 percent. CMIE has released this data after studying the situation in December 2021. According to CMIE data, Karnataka has the lowest unemployment rate in the country i.e. 1.4 per cent, whereas Haryana has the highest unemployment rate in the country i.e. 34.1 per cent.

It is noteworthy that three years ago, under the leadership of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, a new model of development was adopted to achieve the goal of inclusive development. This model of development was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of Gram Swaraj. 

Under this model, economic connectivity between the villages and cities was emphasized. For economic empowerment of the villages, various innovative schemes and programmes including Suraaji Gaon Yojana, Narva-Garva-Ghurva-Bari programme, Godhan Nyay Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Kisaan Nyay Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Bhoomiheen Krishi Mazdoor Nyay Yojana, establishment of Rural Industrial Parks, collection and value addition of forest produce, entrepreneurial skill development, etc are being implemented under this new Chhattisgarh Model of development.