Chhattisgarh Employees-Officers Federation honored Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel

Raipur 05 April .Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel on Monday attended the “Mukhyamantri Pension Drishta Samman Samaroh” organized by Chhattisgarh Employees-Officers Federation at Indrāvati Bhawan, Nava Raipur. The federation expressed gratitude to Chief Minister for restoration of the old pension scheme. Industries Minister Mr. Kawasi Lakhma, Commissioner Mr. C.R. Prasanna, Chief Executive Officer of NRDA and Commissioner Housing Board Dr. Ayyaz Tamboli, Heads of Departments of various departments, Chhattisgarh Staff Officers Federation's Provincial Convener Mr. Kamal Verma, office-bearers of federation along with a large number of officers and employees were also present on the occasion.

Extending Navratri wishes to everyone on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that I am glad to know there is a wave of joy among you all due to the restoration old pension scheme. Now no more worries retirement worries. He assured that the problems of employee organizations will be resolved. “I was aware of the difficulty that you people were facing due to the Contributory Pension Scheme. Everyone wants to lead a dignified life post-retirement. Officers-employees are the strength of government and the work is adversely affected by constant worries. Therefore, the old pension scheme has been restored to boost the morale of officers-employees”, said the Chief Minister.

Heaping praise on the officers-employees for working with utmost dedication during the Covid-19 pandemic times, Chief Minister said that you all have worked hard during the pandemic period, many lost their lives, yet you all stood firm and worked in solidarity. As a result, the management of Chhattisgarh during the pandemic was appreciated all across the country. Meanwhile, we also took care of the families of those who lost their lives due to Covid-19. Showing sensitivity towards such families, the government abolished the exemption of compassionate appointment deadline.

He added that many states witnessed salary deduction during the pandemic period; however, our government did not undertook any such step. I had bluntly told my officers that there would be no salary deduction at all.

It is worth mentioning that Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has undertaken a historic decision to restore the old pension scheme in place of new pension scheme in the state. About 3 lakh government servants of the state will get benefitted from this decision. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel was honored with ‘Pension Drishta Samman’ by the Federation.