CII handed over 43 Oxygen Concentrators to State Govt today


Jaipur] May 5 .Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and industry is working shoulder to shoulder with the Government, in tackling the massive tsunami of COVID infections that has hit India, causing much suffering. Industry is lending a helping hand augmenting the critical oxygen supplies and bed capacities. Production capacities of medicines and other medical supplies are being ramped up.

 CII has been putting its head together with the Government and medical experts, to work out the best possible way to steer through this crisis. Today CII presented 43 oxygen concentrators to Mr Niranjan Arya, Chief Secretary, Govt of Rajasthan in presence of Mr Vaibhav Galriya, Secretary- Medical Education and Mr Sidharth Mahajan, Secretary- Medical & Health, Govt of Rajasthan. Many more are being provided in next 7 days. Mr Sanjay Saboo, Chairman, CII Rajasthan State Council and Mr Nitin Gupta, Director & Head, CII Rajasthan handed over these concentrators to Govt which are being sent to Beelwa.


Mr Sanjay Saboo, Chairman, CII Rajasthan State Council said “CII understands that there is a huge shortage of ventilators, oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen concentrators, hence, facilitating support from industry. It is really a tough time for the society including businesses, employees, weaker sections of the society and other stakeholders. In this time too, CII is playing its Role proactively and both at the National and State level we are regularly taking up the issues not only of the Members but also of the society and other stakeholders". He further added that CII team at National and State Level is in continuous touch with both Government and industry on one hand and doing societal work on the other hand. We are trying to help and facilitate industries and Govt by whatever means we can”.


Mr Nitin Gupta, Director & Head, CII Rajasthan said that in past few days, CII through it’s industry members has facilitated 500 corrugated beds for COVID Centre at Radhasoami Satsang Bhawan, over Ten thousand of face mask, oxygen Cylinders, oxygen generating plants at Udaipur, Jaipur, Banswara, Bhilwara through industry members, filled cylinders to various hospitals and Oxygen concentrators.

 Our other wings such as Young Indians and Indian Women Network have also joined hands and extended full support. Mr Gupta shared that few of the industry members who supported these concentrators are Venkateswara Wires Pvt Ltd, Man Structurals, NEI Ltd ( C K Birla group), Mayur Uniquoters Ltd, Agribiotech Industries Ltd & Associated Soapstone. Secure Meters Ltd, Polymedicure, AU Bank, Dileep Trading Corporation, Balaji Industrial Products, Basant Fibreteck, Manu Yantralaya are also extending support in getting various concentrators, masks and generation plants.