Chief Minister gave instructions to the Chief Secretary

Raipur, February 5, Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel gave directions to Chief Secretary to make arrangements for online monitoring of applications of public grievances to ensure timely redressal of problems related to departments including revenue, police, electricity, health and urban bodies.

The Chief Minister has said that efforts should be made to start the facility of online monitoring of the status of redressal of public grievances from March 1, 2022. He has said that online monitoring of the status of redressal of public grievances should be ensured at the level of Chief Minister's Secretariat and Chief Secretary. Along with this, there should be a facility for the general public to register their problems and get information about the action taken just by sitting at home from any part of the state.

With the introduction of this system, citizens will no longer have to make rounds of offices and their problems will be solved sitting at home.