Evolution of French in Quebec, Canada

 Jaipur, Oct 8. Department of European languages, literature and culture studies organised a talk today on  Evolution of French in Quebec, Canada  by Mr. Francis Paradis, consul & director of Quebec Government office in India. He was accompanied by Dr Dynashwari Talpade, attachée Public Affairs, Culture and Education Advisor, Consulate General of Canada.

Dr Nidhi Raisinghani, Head of the Department welcomed the guests.Mr Paradis interacted in french with the students and teachers of the department. He spoke about the history of french in Canada and it’s evolution in the country. 

The talk was followed by a meeting with Prof. Rajeev Jain, Hon’ble  Vice- Chancellor, UOR, Prof N.K Pandey, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Prof. Rashmi Jain, Director, International Cooperation Cell. Academic proposals such as faculty & student exchange programme and research projects between university of Rajasthan and universities in Quebec, Canada were discussed.

Prof. Rajveev Jain gave impetus in signing Mou’s between the two universities to facilitate international mobility of the students of the university. He further added that learning foreign languages boost career opportunities.