Delhi, June 4. Dr. Manoj Nesari, Adviser (AYUSH), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India chaired the event and delivered opening remarks. While briefing about the Webinar, Dr.Nesari emphasized on India’s BRICS 2021 priorities and deliverables in the field of Traditional Medicine with the aim of enhancing and strengthening BRICS collaboration.
The proposal from India included MoU on BRICS Cooperation in Traditional Medicines and constitution of BRICS Forum on Traditional Medicine (BFTM). He underlined the need for harmonisation of regulation of standardization of traditional medicinal products amongst BRICS countries. Initiatives taken by India for the mitigation of COVID19 through AYUSH system of medicine were also highlighted upon.
During the first session of the Webinar, Country presentations were made by the representative of BRICS countries on Drug regulations; Service Standards & Regulations; Pharmacopeia of Traditional Medicine in their respective countries. “AYUSH regulations and pharmacopoeial standards”; “Pharmacopoeia of Indian Traditional systems of Medicine - An overview and “Standardization and Regulation of AYUSH Healthcare Services”were made byIndian side. During the second session of the Webinar, discussionwas held among the industry stakeholders from the field of Traditional Medicine from BRICS Countries. Comprehensive presentations were made by the representatives of Traditional Medicine industry from India and China.